The Visiting Scholar Scheme in Modern China Studies 2025–2026, organised by the Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, is now open for application. The details are as follows:
The Institute of Chinese Studies at CUHK invites scholars in the field of modern and contemporary Chinese studies to visit and conduct research at CUHK for a period of two to three months during the academic year (i.e. September to December or January to April). The visiting scheme allows scholars from various academic disciplines to engage in independent research projects pertaining to modern China studies. Scholars will have access to a wide range of archival resources on modern and contemporary China collected by the CUHK Library.
Eligibility: Scholars with a full-time position at a recognized academic institution are eligible for this scheme.
Benefits: Airfare to and from the home institution (economy class), on-campus accommodation and office, and a monthly stipend of HK$12,000 will be provided.
Scheme Requirements: Visiting scholars supported by this scheme are expected to deliver a talk/lecture during the stay. They are expected to publish a research paper within a year with acknowledgments of this visiting scheme at ICS.
Submission Deadline: 30 April 2025