Applications are now being accepted for the 8th annual International Studies Research Laboratory (ISRL) for faculty from Community Colleges and Minority Serving Institutions across the United States! This year’s lab will take place from June 10-14, 2024 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, plus continued virtual access to resources and expertise from June 3 to August 1, 2024.
Dates & Structure:
The 2024 ISRL will be in a hybrid format and will provide participants with virtual access to resources and workshops from June 3-August 1. There will be an option for participants to visit the UIUC campus for in-person workshop activities that will take place from June 10-14. All events and most resources will be available online, and will be announced closer to the start of the lab.
March 25th 2024: Applications Due
June 3rd 2024: Lab Officially Begins (virtual)
June 10-14th 2024: In-Person Workshop Week (optional)
August 1st 2024: Projects Due
Research Support:
The Lab is supported by research assistance from the International & Area Studies Library and will feature workshops and networking opportunities aimed to stimulate thought and discussion around campus internationalization and global learning objectives. Subject librarians will provide specialized reference support for research needs related to globalization and global and regional studies.
ISRL offers the opportunity and funding to assist with the creation of materials to help internationalize curricula or colleges. A $1,000 honorarium is available, contingent upon receipt of these materials by CGS. Lodging assistance is available to those who will visit campus for the in-person week of the lab.
Learn More: https://go.cgs.illinois.edu/2024-ISRL