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Petros Sofronis


Additional Campus Affiliations

Director, International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research (I2CNER), Grainger College of Engineering
James W. Bayne Professor, Mechanical Science and Engineering
Professor, Mechanical Science and Engineering
Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
Professor, Materials Research Lab
Professor, Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies
Associate Head for Graduate Programs, Mechanical Science and Engineering

Recent Publications

Hosseini, Z. S., Dadfarnia, M., Kubota, M., Nagao, A., Somerday, B. P., Sofronis, P., & Ritchie, R. O. (Accepted/In press). Mechanistic model for hydrogen accelerated fatigue crack growth in a low carbon steel. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.

Vijayvargia, K., Dadfarnia, M., Bassani, J. L., & Sofronis, P. (Accepted/In press). Toward a fracture mechanics based prediction of failure under high temperature hydrogen attack. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.

Vijayvargia, K., Dadfarnia, M., Sofronis, P., Kubota, M., Staykov, A., Wada, K., Pugh, J. A., & Eason, T. J. (2023). Three-dimensional constraint-based void-growth model for high temperature hydrogen attack. International Journal of Fracture, 243(2), 203-228.

Bridgeland, R., Chapman, A., McLellan, B., Sofronis, P., & Fujii, Y. (2022). Challenges toward achieving a successful hydrogen economy in the US: Potential end-use and infrastructure analysis to the year 2100. Cleaner Production Letters, 3, Article 100012.

Chapman, A., Ertekin, E., Kubota, M., Nagao, A., Bertsch, K., Macadre, A., Tsuchiyama, T., Masamura, T., Takaki, S., Komoda, R., Dadfarnia, M., Somerday, B., Staykov, A. T., Sugimura, J., Sawae, Y., Morita, T., Tanaka, H., Yagi, K., Niste, V., ... Sofronis, P. (2022). Achieving a Carbon Neutral Future through Advanced Functional Materials and Technologies. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 95(1), 73-103.

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