Hyun-Sook Kang earned her Ph.D. in Educational Linguistics from the University of Pennsylvania’s Graduate School of Education in 2007, and prior to her post in EPOL, she was on the faculty in the Linguistics Department at Illinois, Illinois State University, and the University of Texas at San Antonio. In addition to serving as Co-Editor of Journal of Language, Identity, and Education, she is a member of the Editorial Boards of the European Journal of Education, Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education, Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, Language and Assessment, and Language-Related Research.
Research Interests
Hyun’s research interests center on language practice and ideology in relation to global mobility, such as immigration and study abroad. Her recent research has examined student agency, belief, and identity in context with implications for teacher development and internationalization of education. She is also interested in ontological, epistemological, and methodological considerations in educational research. Her work has been published in international peer-reviewed journals, such as American Journal of Distance Education, Asia Pacific Journal of Education, European Journal of Engineering Education, and International Journal of Applied Linguistics.
Additional Campus Affiliations
Associate Professor, Education Policy, Organization and Leadership
Associate Professor, Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies
Associate Professor, Center for the Study of Global Gender Equity
Associate Professor, Center for Global Studies
Recent Publications
Kang, H.-S., & Vigil, J. (Accepted/In press). Decolonizing language education through internationalization: The case of Nahuatl in U.S. institutions of higher education . In V. Tavares, & S. Melo-Pfeifer (Eds.), The Palgrave handbook of internationalization of language education Palgrave Macmillan.
Kang, H.-S. (Accepted/In press). Distance English language teaching: Through the lens of internationalization at a distance . In N. Nazari (Ed.), Empowering the English language teacher in a multipolar environment Springer.
Kang, H.-S., & LaFave, J. M. (Accepted/In press). Internationalising an engineering group project course: An intercultural contact study. European Journal of Engineering Education.
Kang, H.-S., & Nam-Huh, Y. (2025). Online language teacher education: A systematic review. In Z. Tajeddin, & T. Farrell (Eds.), Handbook of Language Teacher Education: Critical Review and Research Synthesis (Springer International Handbooks of Education). Springer.
Kang, H. S. (2025). Two tales of study abroad: The role of class. In V. Tavares (Ed.), Internationalization of TESOL Teacher Education: Global and Critical Perspectives (pp. 146-160). (New Perspectives on Language and Education; Vol. 127). Multilingual Matters.