Research Interests
As an educational researcher, I devote my efforts to the effective design and integration of learning and technological innovations for adult learners to foster their learning, performance, and career development. A question that I have been asking throughout my research career is what I can do to create more meaningful learning experiences for adults and support them to fulfill their learning and career goals. I have been endeavoring to find answers to this question through three research strands: (1) understanding and supporting learning and teaching in online and technology- enriched learning environments, (2) exploring the learning, performance and career development of diverse groups in the workforce to support their access and opportunities in education and the workplace, and (3) promoting design-based research (DBR).
Additional Campus Affiliations
Associate Professor, Education Policy, Organization and Leadership
Associate Professor, Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies
Highlighted Publications
Oh, E. G., Cho, M. H., & Chang, Y. (2023). Learners’ perspectives on MOOC design. Distance Education, 44(3), 476-494.
Han, S., Oh, E. G., & Kang, S. P. (2022). Social capital leveraging knowledge-sharing ties and learning performance in higher education: evidence from social network analysis in an engineering classroom. AERA Open, 8.
Oh, E. G., Chang, Y., & Park, S. W. (2020). Design review of MOOCs: application of e-learning design principles. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 32(3), 455-475.
Oh, E., Huang, W.-H., Hedayati Mehdiabadi, A., & Ju, B. (2018). Facilitating critical thinking in asynchronous online discussion: comparison between peer- and instructor-redirection. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 30(3), 489-509.
Oh, E. G., & Huang, W. H. D. (2018). A Review of Technology Research in HRD From a Design-Based Research Perspective. Human Resource Development Review, 17(3), 258-276.
Recent Publications
Cho, M. H., Oh, E. G., Chang, Y., & Hwang, S. (Accepted/In press). Effects of personal and instructor goals on MOOC continuance intention. Distance Education.
Oh, E. G., Cho, M. H., & Chang, Y. (2023). Learners’ perspectives on MOOC design. Distance Education, 44(3), 476-494.
Han, S., Oh, E. G., & Kang, S. P. (2022). Social capital leveraging knowledge-sharing ties and learning performance in higher education: evidence from social network analysis in an engineering classroom. AERA Open, 8.
Han, S., Oh, E., Kang, S., Lee, S., & Park, S. H. (2022). The mediating role of informal learning on job performance: the work-learning dual system in South Korea. Journal of Workplace Learning, 34(5), 437-454.
Oh, E. G., Kang, S., Han, S.-H., & Kim, J. K. (2021). How do teachers’ systematic class goal-setting activities impact their effective performance?: A dual mediation model of partnership with stakeholders and teacher effectiveness on students’ satisfaction. Asia-Pacific Collaborative Education Journal, 17(1), 1-11.